Monday 4 October 2010

A new Beginning

Now that Onovo and the top echelon of the police had been sacked,are we to expect better policing and security in the country? If Nuhu Ribadu is elected as Nigerian President by the year 2011, will he be able to police the length and breadth of this country with just 5,000 policemen and women? None of this can happen in my humble opinion; just removing the head of the police will not heal all the cancer that have taken root in the vein, brain, skin and lymph of the Nigerian Police Force.
Getting the police back on track will need the concerted effort of the led and the leaders, changes will have to be made to how we are policed from the present Reaction- based strategy to Action-based strategy that is entrenched in intelligence gathering, effective monitoring and proper control.
Proper recruitment mechanism, adequate training and proper monitoring/ evaluation must be the cardinal point of a good policing system in Nigeria. 

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